Sunday, September 11, 2011


My apologies!!!! And, by the way--we're open!

Okay, okay!  I'm sorry!  I know I'm a little slow at this techie blogging thing.  I'm not sure where July went and by the time August rolled around I had forgotten my password to the blog anyway.  Hmmm, thank goodness for teenagers and twenty-four year olds--they really do know it all!  :0) They were able to set me straight and help me figure out a new password. 

The store officially opened September 6th.  It's beautiful (if I do say so myself) and people are so happy that it is finally here.  We had an amazing week meeting people from Colorado, Texas, and Canada.  Rumor has it that there were about seventy five cars in the parking lot before 10:30 a.m.  That is so exciting!  On behalf of Pressing Matters, The Holland Cakery, Weekending, and Salt & Pepper I want to thank you for showing up and supporting us.  This little strip mall has a lot of really fun wonderfulness going on.

Many people have asked how I feel now that it is open.  I really am not able to describe how I am feeling--except that maybe it is at peace.  No more twitchy blood shot eyes, no more sleepless nights, no more worrying about things that were beyond my control.  It is so exciting to me to finally be able to share my passion with others.  I love helping all of the customers with choosing fabrics and I can hardly wait till the classes start up.  My kiddos are going to help me post pictures of the shop's interior.  I hope you enjoy.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome to the Pressing Matters Quilt Shoppe blog.  YEAH!!!  Pretend to see fireworks.  ; 0).  I am so excited to share this with you.  First of all, just so you know...and all of the embarrassing issues are out in the open....I am not a "techie" type of person.  The fact that this blog was created without my knowledgeable children's involvement is a wonderful gift from God.  I want to add pictures and all sorts of sparkly stuff but I need lessons first.  Yes, lengthy sit down consultations with our teenagers will be needed.  I am blessed!  Secondly, did I mention that my forty year dream is coming true??  My fabulous husband has been working his tail off helping me get ready to open the doors to the MOST fabulous quilt shoppe in Holland, Michigan. Okay, it's the only quilt shoppe in Holland.  It's still fabulous though!  Imagine--butterscotch colored walls with almond brittle trim.  It's very yummy looking---I hope I don't gain weight absorbing the warmth and coziness.
Sew busy,
